Men's Ministry


MARCH 22-23, 2024

The men of Redeemer will gather for the annual Men’s Retreat in Cleveland, GA. Chris Wiley will lead and speak on Friday night and Saturday morning. Come Friday after supper to join the retreat and stay through supper on Saturday.



Interested in serving on a rotating deacon team?
Reach out to the Chairman of the Deacons:
Todd Stichtenoth.

Officer training takes place every 2 years and will next occur in January of 2024. Look for more details to be announced closer to this time.

Gather with other men in the church for nights around a campfire at Pastor Todd’s.
Todd Lowery

Do you care about kids? Interested in leading a small group of middle school or high school kids? Reach out to our Associate Pastor of Youth + Family, Wes Andrews.

A group of men and women lead together to cultivate hospitality and care for our congregation. Join by reaching out to Katie Peavyhouse.

Our nursery leaders are both women and men and serve on a 6 week rotation. Serve young children in the nursery or by teaching Prep for Worship classes here.

Past Men’s Retreat Photos


Email Matt Siple, Men's Ministry Coordinator.